How much to spend on diamonds


Buying Diamonds:
How – and how much – to pay.

Determining a budget when buying diamonds for the one you love is probably the most difficult part of the whole process.

A diamond is a symbol of enduring love and commitment. A diamond engagement ring is a once in a lifetime gift; and every man wants to be sure that his diamond choice –or the choice they make together – is everything she hoped for and dreamed of.

But in buying diamonds you need to ensure you are not overextending yourself. So, finding the right balance is the key. The first step in finding that balance is to do your homework on buying diamonds.

You should know how to judge the fair market value and quality of the stone. Click here for information about the 4C's and Certification. Also make sure that you are buying your diamond from a trusted retailer who will provide you with a money-back guarantee, the ability to exchange or upgrade your diamond and on-going high quality service . Learn more about where to buy a diamond.

What is the correct amount to spend when buying diamonds?

The range of beautiful diamonds is almost limitless. For virtually every budget, there is an option that will surely please the one you love - And please keep in mind it is the love the diamond stands for, not the size or price of the stone, that is all important to a woman.

So, how much should you spend? If you are buying a diamond engagement ring, the commonly accepted guideline for purchasing diamonds is two months' salary. That amount may work for some people and not for others, but it's a good place to start.

How do you pay for a diamond?

If you've saved the money for a diamond, perfect! If not, you have two other options.

You can pay with a credit card, but this will incur interest rates that make the cost of the diamond higher. A better option and one that most jewelers – especially chain jewelers – offer is a layaway plan . The customary layaway requires you to put 20 percent down, then pay the balance in three installments over three months. The best part of a layaway plan is that it is interest free!

What to expect of an authorized Leo Diamondฎ jeweler

Deciding where to buy your diamond is an important step. Why not make it easy? When you visit an authorized Leo Diamond jeweler, here's what you can expect:

  • Knowledgeable sales associates.

  • Different payment options and a guarantee of full satisfaction or your money back.

  • A policy that allows you to exchange or upgrade your diamond at fair market value.

  • Personal, ongoing service to maintain the beauty of your Leo Diamond.

Other factors to consider when choosing a diamond are:

•  Certification

•  Shape

•  Beauty and brilliance

•  Branded Vs unbranded

•  The 4Cs

•  Which setting you should choose

Find an authorized Leo Diamond jeweler near you.
 The Four Cs
 Diamond Certification
 Find a Jeweler
 Deciding Where to Buy a Diamond
 Brilliant Proposals


"Like no other precious jewel, a diamond is the embodiment of love. Knowing that has given value to what we do for more than half a century."