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My Leo Diamond®

Your Leo Diamond: Handcrafted by master artisans.

Obviously, you've made an absolutely brilliant choice! (Or, someone who adores you made it for you.) Because you now possess your very own, entirely unique Leo Diamond.

Using your unique Leo identification number you can discover everything there is to know about your Leo Diamond: how it was crafted and how it got to be The Leo it is today.

You'll actually be able to trace your Leo Diamond to the expert artisan who designed, cut and polished it. And see the IGI and GemEx Certifications for your Leo.

Enter your unique Leo ID number in the box below, then hit FIND. The Leo number is a six-digit number prefixed by Leo. Please enter only the digits from your Leo number.

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"The challenge in cutting a diamond is to capture light as dramatically as possible. Light gives a diamond its brilliance and life."


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